VPI - HW-16.5 Record Cleaning Machine
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American-Made VPI HW-16.5 Record-Cleaning Machine Increases Performance, Allowing You To Experience Significantly Better Sound From Your Vinyl Collection
The VPI HW-16.5 record-cleaning machine makes first-rate record care made easy, and affordable. As the world's best-selling and easiest-to-use vacuum-tube record cleaner, HW-16.5 helps you take the best-possible care of your irreplaceable LP collection and, by extension, extends the lifespan of your turntable and cartridge. Used by more analog lovers than any other, HW-16.5 will last a lifetime and comes with out highest recommendation.
If you are serious about analog, there is no denying the need for a cleaning machine. Hand cleaning takes too long, and then, you have to wait for the LP to dry. You need to be able to hear your freshly cleaned records now, and the VPI HW-16.5 record-cleaning machine will get you where you need to go and fast. This workhorse can handle as much use as you can throw its way. Combine the HW-16.5 with a great scrubbing brush, so you can scrub to your heart's content, add a bottle of Mobile Fidelity Record Cleaning Fluid or the fluid of your choice, and you're off and running!
"The vacuum system is more than adequate to remove embedded dirt, and the 16.5 is fairly easy to use."
—The Absolute Sound, Editors' Choice Award
"These days one can spend a little or a lot on vacuum-based record cleaners. And some of the priciest models are pretty sexy, more efficient, and likely more effective than the VPI HW-16.5, which, though neither pretty nor sophisticated, is a high-value workhorse that simply and effectively gets the job done – and has for nearly 40 years."
—Wayne Garcia, The Absolute Sound, Golden Ear Award