TEAC - W-1200 Dual Cassette Deck
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Bring Back a Favorite Tradition and Go Analog with the TEAC W-1200 Dual Cassette Deck: Features On-Board ADC for Converting Tapes to Digital Files, Mic Input, Mixer, and More
Nothing is more 1980s than a cassette deck. TEAC’s W-1200 dual deck brings back the memories while offering 21st-century functionality. As well as proven history. TEAC has been putting decks in the hands of recording studios and consumers since 1953. Part of the analog revival, cassettes have also been making a comeback, with Cassette Store Day being a part of it.
If you’ve got an old, tired deck that needs an upgrade, or would like to jump in fresh, W-1200 is a great way to make a mixtape, play current cassettes, or utilize the on-board ADC to digitize your old cassettes via USB to digital files (up to 48kHz/16-bit PCM) on your computer. Plus, the dual-cassette mechanism allows you to record two duplicate tapes at once or make copies of one tape to another. And the ability to record on Type-1 and Type-2 tapes gives you a wide range of blank tape with which you can work. Type-3 (METAL) tape can also be used, but in playback only mode. Dolby-compatible noise reduction is also available in playback mode, offering compatibility with your pre-recorded tapes.
On the exterior, the big, bold, blue level meters and digital tape counters keep track of your tape’s progress and, combined with soft-touch controls, make this two-head deck a breeze to operate. Mic and headphone inputs are conveniently located with level controls on the front panel. Around back, W-1200 features RCA input and output jacks along with a USB digital output for sending your music to a computer for digitization. What’s not to like?
Lounge lizards can practice their karaoke skills, and send the results to friends and family thanks to an onboard mic input and mixer. How much fun is that? Additional features include a +/-10% pitch control, a rec/play timer to set up remote recordings, the ability to digitize files from the analog inputs, and a remote control. In short, this is a modern, all-in-one tape deck for present and future needs. Bring back an old tradition and make a mixtape for a friend!