TEAC - PD-505T CD Transport
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Seeing (and Hearing) Is Believing: TEAC PD-505T CD Transport Features Craftsmanship-Quality Build, New Drive Control Circuit, Semi-Floating Design, and External Clock Input
Seen up close, there’s no doubting how seriously the TEAC PD-505T CD transport takes its job. Once you hear it play a disc, everything about its high-grade construction, advanced technology, and craftsmanship-quality design makes complete sense. This is your opportunity to hear your disc collection with a newfound sense of transparency, presence, detail, soundstaging, and involvement. When paired with a high-end DAC of your choice, PD-505T helps transform discs into escapist experiences. A supplied remote control invites you to enjoy everything from the comfort of your chair.
Equipped with a newly developed drive control circuit that operates the spindle motor with gentle feedback to create a natural rotating state, the 8.8-pound PD-505T plays with remarkable purity and precision. Separate toroidal power supplies for the OLED display, CD drive, and audio circuit — all with dedicated secondary coils and rectifiers — abet independent discrete power circuits for those same sections. For the internal clock, TEAC chose a low-phase-noise crystal oscillator prized for outstanding phase noise characteristics. PD-505T also comes with a 10MHz external clock input for those who want to take the performance to an even higher level.
The keys to PD-505T’s success extend to its hardware. Mounted in a semi-floating state un-affixed to the chassis, the CD mechanism prevents feedback by preventing the transmission of vibrations generated by the spindle motor and actuator. Similarly, to eliminate unwanted impact from dampers used with mounting-drive components, PD-505T employs rigid attachment methods that go further in ensuring accurate CD reading.
On the exterior, an all-metal enclosure resists footfalls and other vibrations, such as electromagnetic noise generated by computers and other devices. PD-505T is finished off with a semi-floating top panel and 8mm-thick aluminum side panels that provide a strong, robust form factor that also fits almost anywhere — including on desktops or side tables. TEAC’s Stressless Feet with three support points loosely connected to the bottom of the chassis — based on the concept that by allowing the feet to vibrate freely, more natural and richer reverberations are achieved — round off the 3.32 x 11.4 x 9.8-inch (HWD) device.
Please note: PD-505T does not have a built-in DAC; the transport requires a DAC to operate.