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Step Two: The Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solution Super Cleaner Formula is intended for use after the Enzymatic Formula as the second step in the record cleaning process. The Super Cleaner Formula also works on the principles of enzyme cleaning, but targets different contaminants than the Enzymatic Formula. Separating cleaning functions between two formulas allows each formula to perform its specific task more efficiently. As with the Enzymatic Formula, allowing the enzyme components to loosen and dissolve the contaminants on the record if the most effective method for cleaning. There is no need for hard scrubbing, as the fluids do the work on their own. This formula contains a very small amount of Isopropanol which aids a specific enzyme component in the formula in performing its duty. There is absolutely no detrimental effect of this amount of alcohol but if you prefer a 2nd step without any alcohol, there is also the Premium Archivist Formula without the alcohol to use as the second step.